The Principle of Electronic Cigarette Retail Outlets

On April 15, the official website of the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau announced that the "Shenzhen Electronic Cigarette Retail Point Layout Plan (Draft for Comment)" is now open to the public for comments and suggestions. Comment period: April 16-April 26, 2022.

On November 10, 2021, the "Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulations on the Implementation of the Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China" (State Order No. 750, hereinafter referred to as the "Decision") was officially announced and implemented, clarifying that "electronic cigarettes and other new tobacco products" With reference to the relevant provisions of these Regulations on cigarettes," the "Decision" has given the tobacco monopoly administrative department the responsibility of e-cigarette supervision through legal form. On March 11, 2022, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration issued e-cigarette management measures, and obtaining a tobacco monopoly retail license to engage in e-cigarette retail business should meet the requirements of the reasonable layout of local e-cigarette retail points.

In order to thoroughly implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the work deployment of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, rules and normative documents, the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Administration has formed a comprehensive survey on the development status and regular trends of the city's e-cigarette retail market. "Plan".

There are eighteen articles in the Plan. The main contents are: first, clarify the formulation basis, scope of application and definition of e-cigarette retail points of the "Plan"; second, clarify the layout principles of e-cigarette retail points in this city and implement quantity management of e-cigarette retail points; third, clarify the retail sales of e-cigarettes Implementing "one certificate for one store"; fourth, it is clear that no e-cigarette retail business shall be engaged in, and no e-cigarette retail outlets shall be set up;

Article 6 of the plan stipulates that the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau implements quantity management of e-cigarette retail points to achieve a balance between supply and demand in the e-cigarette market. According to factors such as tobacco control, market capacity, population size, economic development level and consumption behavior habits, guide numbers are set for the number of e-cigarette retail points in each administrative district of this city. The guidance number is dynamically adjusted regularly based on market demand, population changes, the number of e-cigarette retail points, the number of applications, e-cigarette sales, operating costs and profits, etc.

Article 7 stipulates that the tobacco monopoly bureaus in each district shall set the number of e-cigarette retail outlets as the upper limit, and approve and issue tobacco monopoly retail licenses according to the order of acceptance time according to law. If the upper limit of the guide number is reached, no additional retail outlets will be set up, and the procedure will be handled according to the order of applicants queuing up and in accordance with the principle of "retire one and advance one". Tobacco monopoly bureaus in various districts regularly publicize information such as the guidance number of e-cigarette retail points within their jurisdiction, the number of retail points that have been set up, the number of retail points that can be added, and the queuing situation at the government service window on a regular basis.

Article 8 stipulates that "one store, one license" is adopted for the retail of electronic cigarettes. When a chain enterprise applies for a retail license of electronic cigarettes, each branch shall apply to the local tobacco monopoly bureau respectively.

Article 9 stipulates that those who have received administrative punishment for selling electronic cigarettes to minors or selling electronic cigarettes through information networks for less than three years shall not engage in the retail business of electronic cigarettes. Those who have been administratively punished for selling illegally produced e-cigarettes or failing to trade on the national unified e-cigarette transaction management platform for less than three years shall not engage in e-cigarette retail business.

On April 12, the national standard for electronic cigarettes was officially released. On May 1, the electronic cigarette management measures will be officially implemented, and from May 5, electronic cigarette enterprises will start to apply for production licenses. In late May, various provincial bureaus may issue plans for the layout of e-cigarette retail outlets. The first half of June is the period for e-cigarette retail licenses. From June 15th, the national e-cigarette transaction management platform will operate, and various business entities will start trading operations. By the end of September, the transition period for e-cigarette supervision will end. On October 1, the national standard for electronic cigarettes will be officially implemented, non-national standard products will be officially launched, and flavored products will also be withdrawn from the product.

Post time: Jul-21-2023